If your laptop can run Docker you will have a 'WeBWorK in a Box' available for experimentation (and you can help with testing and bug fixing! - Please!!!) So that you can test statistics problems that use R. WeBWorK includes an automatic installation of an R-server Once Docker is installed the rest of the installation is the same for all computers. Once Docker is installed on your computer see the instructions on the github webwork2 wiki for installing WeBWorK with ALL of its supporting infrastructure. Without affecting your production server that is being used by students. Having your own development version means that you can safely experiment with new versions of WeBWorK High Sierra (macOS 10.13.6) without interfering with other apps. Docker can be run on a 2012 MacBook Pro with 8 Gb of RAM running See and for instructions and toĭownload the free 'Docker Community Edition'. This app is available for Mac, Linux and Windows operating It is now possible to set up a development version of WeBWorK on your laptop. 6.2 New Features in WeBWorK2 release Upgrade the admin course, MathJax and the OPL.